January 26, 2016, after almost five months since our last conversation and now, I started it again. For this time I lead the conversation and I started it. Of course, He tried to contacted me before but I don't bother or I ignored it. Suddenly on this date, I thinking of him and not just today but few days before He suddenly pop-up in my mind but I have no courage to act first and I  realize and knew everything is my faults. If it not because of my immature behavior this things would never happen but because of my selfishness, childish, ego, and anger this lead me to make a decision to leave him without a words. For me, the thing He done is so rude and unacceptable because He knew that day is my birthday but still He want to celebrate that "girl'" birthday on the same day.. but past is past..lets forget about everything..lets start a brand new life

I know I am shameless but this time I can't control my emotion & feeling that is why I start the conversation after He like my post and I think that was the right time to start one more time, giving Him & myself a second chance. Maybe I wanted to give Him another chance and to clarify everything like an adult. Definitely, the conversation is so awkward because it have been five months since our last conversation through phone but "Yes", both of us tried to think nothing ever happen & just acted like normal. I guess...  because He did not questioning me about what happen or why I take such drastic decision before. Maybe He is not interested anymore and just want to be a " real friend" with me not less nor more. Just a friend!!

let's God, time, place, situation, people decide..I will leave it this His hand. 


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